I've had lots of my writings published; I've been surviving by selling filler articles and small factoids to magazines and news publications. I have a bunch of short stories published in godawful literary and poetry web-zines and print compilations. I haven't bragged about any of them because the stuff I've been doing is the literary equivalent of a fine artist drawing greeting cards... it might be a way to survive but its not something you brag about.
OK, that said, I recently got my copy of
Street Thunder, the magazine of the
National Street Machine Club (I'm a life time member) and got a huge surprise. On page 6 my painting, Midnight in America (below) was one of two featured pictures, along with a short letter that I wrote.
This is a non-paying, zero resume enhancing thing. It's something only a handful of people will see. It's way smaller than I would have liked (I was hoping for the cover
) ...in short it's not a big deal. And I am so stoked! I've had artwork in publication before but not in a car magazine... I always looked up to the automotive artist who do such cool stuff, and now, if only for one brief moment, I join their ranks.
I'm bragging and its silly I know, but I don't care. I never thought I was good enough to get my art in a car mag...sooooo cool!
The word SAMPLE is across it for stupid copyright reasons...sorry.